Unibank auctions all its third emission stocks
07/27/2019Unibank has completed the placement of the third emission of its stocks via an open standard auction at NASDAQ OMX Armenia stock exchange. As a result of the offer, the bank fully placed 12.2 millions of ordinary stocks in the amount of 2.8 billion AMD. The placement cost of stocks was 230 AMD.
The successful placement of the entire volume of the emission shows investors’ high confidence in Unibank.
Offering investment instruments to the society, Unibank creates an opportunity for a beneficial investment of savings as well as a number of additional advantages, including a priority servicing of the clients who have acquired the bank’s stocks and have become its shareholders.
Armenbrok is the market-maker of Unibank stocks.
Unibank also had good financial results in all the segments of its activity in the second quarter of this year and continued building up its profit, which is already ensured at more than AMD 570 million. The bank’s assets totaled AMD 167 billion and liabilities AMD 138 billion in the second quarter. Its total capital exceeded AMD 28.8 billion after it grew 27%, compared with the same quarter a year earlier, owing to the growth of its authorized capital to AMD 5.2 billion and profit.
Now Unibank has 46 branches and 54 promo offices. The number of the bank’s clients reaches 300 000.
Starting from July 2015 UNIBANK became a Member of securities settlement system and thus was granted statuses of Depository system account operator and regulated market settlement system member.